domingo, abril 30, 2023

Island in the Sun

Ouça Harry Belafonte em Island in the Sun (ao vivo).

 Harry Belafonte (1927 - 2023) foi um músico, ator, ativista político e pacifista norte-americano de ascendência jamaicana. Um dos mais bem sucedidos artistas de origem caribenha da história, foi apelidado de "Rei do Calypso" por popularizar o ritmo caribenho nos Estados Unidos na década de 1950. Durante sua carreira foi um radical ativista político, envolvido em lutas pelos direitos civis e diversas causas humanitárias.

This is my island in the sun
Where my people have toiled since time begun
I may sail on many a sea
Her shores will always be home to me

Oh, island in the sun
Willed to me by my father's hand
All my days I will sing in praise
Of your forest, waters
Your shining sand

As morning breaks
The heaven on high
I lift my heavy load to the sky
Sun comes down with a burning glow
Mingles my sweat with the earth below

Oh, island in the sun
Willed to me by my father's hand
All my days I will sing in praise
Of your forest, waters
Your shining sand

I see woman on bended knee
Cutting cane for her family
I see man at the waterside
Casting nets at the surging tide
Oh, island in the sun
Willed to me by my father's hand
All my days I will sing in praise
Of your forest, waters
Your shining sand

I hope the day will never come
That I can't awake to the sound of drum
Never let me miss carnival
With calypso songs philosophical

Oh, island in the sun
Willed to me by my father's hand
All my days I will sing in praise
Of your forest, waters
Your shining sand

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